
HalloDoc Project

This project is an internship project developed in Node.js with MySQL as the database. It is designed for handling online appointments.

Key Features

  1. User registration and authentication
  2. Appointment scheduling and management
  3. Data persistence using MySQL
  4. Secure communication with JWT-based authentication
  5. User-friendly API with Swagger documentation


  1. Node.js (version 14 or later)
  2. pm or yarn
  3. MySQL database (version 5.7 or later)


  1. clone the repository

     git clone https://github.com/deepakabari/HalloDoc-typescript.git
  2. Install dependencies:

     npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the project root directory to store database credentials:

    • Create .env file from .env.example

Database Setup

  1. Create a MySQL database with the name specified in your .env file.
  2. Run migration to create tables script using this command - npm run migrate
  3. Run seeder script using this command - npm run seed

Running the Application

  1. Start the development server:

     npm start

    This will run nodemon app.ts in development mode with hot reloading.

  2. Access the API at http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

  3. Swagger documentation is available at http://localhost:3000/docs for exploring available API endpoints.


  1. Use ts-node or your preferred TypeScript compiler for code development.

  2. The dev script in package.json runs ts-node-dev app.ts for hot reloading during development.


  1. Build the application for production using the build script in package.json:

     npm run build
  2. Configure the deployment environment with the appropriate database credentials and environment variables.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


We welcome contributions from the community. Please submit pull requests following the project’s guidelines.